Friday, August 27, 2010

Ode to the Umps: Thanks for a Great Series

My Fellow Phans,

I'm sure I am not the only one who absolutely adored this latest umpiring crew in our series against the Astros. They're great calls and lack of attitude made it a great series for all. So, I thought I would just write a little thank you to the umps involved. (PS: That was total sarcasm and this post will be the final one concerning these umpires, I just need to vent about them before I consider it finished. Oh and this post may not be G rated so be warned now). So without further adieu, here it goes:

Ode to the Umps: Thanks for a Great Series

When the series began, I couldn't name a single one of our beloved umpires that would be overseeing these four games and nor did I really care. However, after this series, the names of Greg Gibson, Sam Holbrook, Scott Barry, and Brian Knight will live in Philadelphia history forever.

We didn't hear much from him; at least not as much as we did from the terrific trio. However, Knight is not exempt from this post by any means. During the third game of the series, Knight made a call on Shane Victorino. After Victorino was hit by a pitch, Knight decided to call that Shane had stepped into the pitch.

Despite the fact that this may or may not be true, the point is how do you call this bullshit? Players make a living on this stuff even a fellow Phillies player. I love Chase Utley, but how many times did he get hit without budging an inch and how many actual times was he called for it? None! But since it was f*** the Phillies week in the umpiring guild, he was called for that. To complicate matters, he decided to confer with his fellow associates. Now of course, we know that they weren't going to overturn the call. It seemed just a feeble attempt to rub it in the Phillies faces even more. 

Next comes our old buddy and the Crew Chief of this group, Mr. Sam Holbrook. Sammy played a vital role in this whole thing as he cited a non-existent rule to keep his umpires from facing the firing squad that is the media. He stated that it was "MLB policy that umpires did not have to face the media or speak about the previous game." Don't make me laugh, Mr. Holbrook. Umpires are always on TV discussing calls like this. You didn't see Jim Joyce give an interview after what may have been the worst call of the baseball era? I think the difference here is that Joyce is a quality ump and a classy man; both seems to be qualities that you lack.

You were just protecting your crew from bombardment after they made horrific calls or were complete jack***** during a game. Why protect guys like that unless you were in acceptance of what they were doing. I mean why wouldn't you be? The fabulous foursome clearly did not like Philadelphia for some reason..? I would love to know what that reason was, but sadly we cannot since you protect your little boys like you were their daddy. 

Greg Gibson's actions is the third member of the fabulous foursome. I can understand making a tough call and a questionable play as he did in the opener with the Michael Bourn bunt. However, what I question is how you make the exact opposite call just months before on the same exact play. What is the only other connection between the two calls? Well, they both occurred in Philly and the Phillies were victimized both times by these calls. How is he safe at one time and out at another? Do you have a rulebook do you follow or do you just go on you whims? Apparently your whims say, don't give the Phillies a call. I would have loved to hear you explain this call, but once again, Daddy Sammy protected you from that.

My biggest problem with General Gibson is the conspiracy between him and Bully Barry to set Ryan Howard up in that extra inning affair. Now we all know the story. The first check swing was close and did warrant the appeal to Bully Barry at third. However, after witnessing the check swing part 1 and seeing the mounting tension, you didn't have to appeal again. Everyone following knew what was going to happen if you appealed again to third. You could have put a temporary stop to it then by making your own call. 

This is what I would have liked to hear you explain. Why did you appeal again? It wasn't as close of a call as the first check swing was. Were you oblivious to the the situation or were you expecting it? Explain that one to me General. Why would you set up a player like you did Ryan Howard in that game? Maybe you are just as bad at reading people as at knowing the baseline? Of course, we will never hear your BS excuse as Daddy Sammy has your back covered during everything. 

Now comes to my favorite umpire of them all. He is the worst umpire I have ever seen in my life and is the most hated man in this city. That is of course, Mr. Scott Barry. I know my love for him is clearly evident as I dedicated a whole post to this garbage. Want to know the problem with umpires these days? Bully Barry proved that perfectly. Umps and generally young, cocky SOBs who think they're above the rules and since umpires are usually never disciplined, they can act this way. They are apparently gods and can do no wrong. They can control even facet of the game and throw anybody out for no good reason at all. Who needs a reason to toss a team's first baseman out of the game besides the fact that I am a hot tempered umpire whose panties were on too tight. 

Ryan Howard did nothing wrong, but The great Scott Barry believed so. How dare someone like Ryan Howard show any emotion towards the great Scott Barry. We should be praising the great Scott Barry for not doing more in the scenario besides being a scrawny little punk. We all know he's a bully. After he ejected Howard and then Howard charged him (not the other way around Yahoo who reported that Howard charged and than got tossed which a complete bunch of BULLSHIT), but after Howard came out there, Barry apparently ran down the third baseline like a little b****. Bullies are all talk and no action and Scott Barry proved that. Maybe Howard should have strangled the little pipsqueak, he probably would have been commended for doing so. MLB needs to send the great Scott Barry where he belongs; to the unemployment line. I have another place he can go, but I will let you use your imagination on that one.

Oh and to everyone at ESPN who blames Howard for all this; get a freaking clue. If it was someone from their beloved Red Soxs or yankees, they would be praising the player. Put Derek Jeter... wait, scratch that.... better yet someone like David Ortiz or A-Roids in Howard's position and I think the response would be different. But sadly, once again, Philadelphia has to be the bullies, the bad guys in all these kinds of situations.

Alright, I hope this is the last I post of this. I have completely vented and it didn't turn out as bad as I though.

Until we meet again Phillies Fans; Happy Readings and Go Phillies! 

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