Wednesday, August 25, 2010

16 Inning Marathon Ends in Phillies' 4-2 Loss. (Part 1; The Game)

My Fellow Phans,

First I want to end some confusion. I referred to Greg Gibson yesterday as "General Gibson" in my post and never really explained why. I was asked about it later so I thought I would explain my reasoning. A General is a high ranking official in the army who has a prominent say in decision making. Now as our buddy, Mr. Gibson has proven this year he changes the rules, calling different results on the same play, when he feels like it. So, technically, he is "making rules" like a General does and that is why I gave him that nickname.

Now, I will get into my new favorite umpire, Mr. Scott Barry, in my next post. But for all that occurred in last night's game, I am breaking it into two parts. This part is about the actual game itself.

So, there was a lot lost in this game by the time it was over after certain events involving attention-whore umpires.

The first of which was that the Phillies are, once again, in one of their little hitting slumps. During those extra innings, the Astros threw crappy reliever after crappy reliever at the Phillies lineup and we did absolutely nothing about it. They were not superstars out there on the mound and they were making us look like chumps. When the Phillies are not hitting, any pitcher can make them look bad and that is what happened last night. We would get into fastball counts and dribble the fastball down the first baseline. That is the type of night it was.

Cole Hamels was amazing last night. He made one mistake, and you have to give Carlos Lee credit for guessing correctly to hit that home run. Bud Norris was solid as well, but the Phillies slumping bats did help him in the long run. Our bullpen was amazing as well. Herndon struggled in that last inning, but you were asking a lot from a young pitcher and he did hang in there and got his ground balls, they just hit them in the right spots.

I know this a short post, but the game did not have little much to talk about outside of the Scott Barry incident and that I will get to that in Part 2.

Until we meet again Phillies Fans; Happy Readings and Go Phillies! 

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