Wednesday, August 25, 2010

16 Inning Marathon Ends in Phillies' 4-2 Loss. (Part 2; The Scott Barry Show)

*Disclaimer: I know some of you do not like posts on which I want and rave on the Phillies or a particular topic, well if you are one of those people, then do not read this post and I apologize in advance for what I might say. 

My Fellow Phans,

So, now the fun begins. I really dislike dedicating a whole post to this one man, because it seems that it is exactly what he wanted; he wanted to be the center of attention and, boy, did he get his wish.

So most of you know the story by now. Ryan Howard took a check swing and , our new buddy, Bully Barry, said he went around. Howard showed frustration and Barry stood glaring in at Ryan Howard who was clearly frustrated with the situation and the game. Barry was just itching for a fight and when Howard delivered another check swing, we all knew Barry was going to ring Howard up and he did. Ryan tossed his bat away and Barry immediately tossed Howard. We all knew that was coming. See the play here.

Let the floodgates open. Scott Barry injected himself into a game on which he had no business being into. He may be the most hated man in Philadelphia right now and maybe that is how he wanted. I mean this is not the first time, he pulled this crap. Barry throws out Ryan Zimmrman here after he does even LESS than Ryan Howard does; another attrocious call!

Scott Barry is the epitome of what is wrong with major league umpires. They are obnoxious, arrogant and want nothing, but to steal the spotlight from the players. 5 years ago, I couldn't tell you the name of a single umpire, but now I know a load of names all due from horrific calls made on the baseball diamond and their deep desire to have their names known.

Now it doesn't help that umpires are treated like gods. There is little to nothing done about situations such as this that are occurring more and more frequently. They act like they are the kings of the world and can do no wrong. What actions will Bud Selig or anyone take this? None, if anything, he will issue Ryan Howard a suspension or fine and if that does happen my friends, that post will be R rated. Players and managers will be in serious trouble if they touch of "bump" an umpire. How can an umpire touch a hold back a player? What is this hypocrisy that emerges? Howard told off General Gibson when he tried to do just that last night after the ejection. Just hear the Phillies' Radio Call of the Play

I'm not saying that this guy lost the game for the Phillies as I have mentioned before that we should have scored more runs, but the umpires injecting themselves into a game of this nature is disgraceful. Years ago, the umpire's job was to be seen and not heard. Nowadays, they are doing their best to been seen and heard more-so than the people that matter, the players.

I'm trying to avoid serious name calling, but let's face it, it cannot be helped in this case. Scott Barry is trash. Bully Barry, you are garbage and need to be booted from umpiring any type of baseball game. You are a disgrace. It doesn't help when General Gibson seemed to set up Ryan Howard on the second check swing as he knew Barry was ready to start something. Gibson was frustrated from his blown call last night, and they double teamed the slugger and eventually got what they were itching for.

I said yesterday that nobody could pass C.B. Bucknor as the top umpire on my s*** list. Well, Bully Barry just surpassed that and now sits on top. Congrats, Scott, you got your wish. You are well known, and arguably the most hated man in the city. I actually fear for your safety while you're here as Philadelphians are known to do stupid and irrational things. There is a reason you were in AAA and calling you to the big leagues was a horrible decision. We don't need anymore diva umpires and you may be the biggest one of them all. Thanks for ruining a classic game with your own personal agenda, you d*****bag.

Until we meet again Phillies Fans; Happy Readings and Go Phillies! 

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