Thursday, November 3, 2011

Big Changes for State of the Phillies!

My Fellow Phans,

I know its been awhile since I posted and for that I apologize. I’ve had a lot on my plate lately with new employment as well as working on a brand new project.

Some of you have heard that there is big news on the front for this site and here is the news. The State of the Phillies is moving to Wordpress. The link to the new site is here:

Yes, this is not a total change, since I was already posting my blog on both blog sites already. After careful thought and examination of both blogger and WP. I decide to condense my blog down into one single page. It will be easier on me and more beneficial to you as the reader as I will have less work to concentrate on. This will give me the advantage to make a colorful, friendly and nicer blog site for you all t enjoy. Wordpress appeared to offer more of what I was looking for in a blog so that is why I switched.

The site is the only change. There will be no change in content. I will still give you then news from our beloved Phillies.

If you aren’t reading it already, I hope you go to the new page and look around. There is a new panel with many options including twitter, facebook, and links. There is a chance to register for email updates. at the bottom, you can find archives of my posts as well as a fancy Phillies RSS feed, which is a trial run at the moment.

Please offer any thoughts or opinions on the content, site, or anything else. I am open to new ideas.

Oh and before I forget, I will leave this site available to read and leave all my content up although all new content will be posted on the new page solely.

So head to and enjoy!

Until we meet again Phillies fans; Happy Readings and go Phillies!